Of course, not my usual summer reading material, but it helped me quickly rack up minutes for my own library reading log! Thanks to a sweet friend, KK, for the recommendation. It has definitely shed light on some of Kallie's symptoms and has helped us advocate better for her care with the pediatricians. A must read if you are the proud parent of a fussy one!
Now, your turn. What book's got you hanging on every word this summer?
I bought a few books for summer reading, but I haven't picked any of them up :-(
Have you tried, "The Happiest Baby on the Block?". It's a great book.
I've been reading the usual, "mom-lit". I finished, "Sippy Cups are NOT for Chardonnay", "Nap-time is the New Happy Hour", "I was a Really Good Mom before I had Kids", and "Mother Shock". I was going to read, "Babyproofing your Marriage" until a friend told me that the authors say to give your DH a BJ every week. That book will never end up on my nightstand!!
My husband is a Chiropractor. He adjusts babies with this. It's usually one or two adjustments. You might want to check it out.
I don't remember how I found your blog, but I prayed for you during your pregnancy.
That last book is sooo not for you! Your comment made me laugh though :-) Sorry for your DH
I am reading "I Castle the Capture". My babe got it for me awhile back because he heard a commentary on it that it was really good. I love it!
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