Monday, November 17, 2008

I Need A Weekend From The Weekend.

I opened my eyes in a bad mood today and I stayed that way. I've learned that not enough "down time" on a weekend makes for a craptastic start to the week. Too many errands to run, too many undone tasks, and the beginning of the holiday rush makes my head hurt. My efforts to simplify haven't truly worked yet, but I will press on and find a way to carve out time for the important things - My Babe, Kallie, and the park.


Monica H said...

Love the last one. She looks like she's sitting in a giant pumpkin again!

Anonymous said...

They are so sweet.

mbc said...

With so much to do, it's easy to get caught up in the "need to do's." Most of those things won't make you smile (and relax) as much as spending time with T and K. Hugs!

Sophia said...

"Craptastic"...what a great word that only you would be creative enough to come up with! HA! You sound like you've got your priorities straight! Yes, press on!